Pictures from our Family Holiday Cruise
(Here is what I've got so far, quick and dirty.)

Sailing on the MS Imagination
A picture of the MS Imagination from the returning port ship in the Cayman Islands.

Day 2: The Cayman Islands (Hell, Turtle Farm, and Stingray City)

This is a picture of the Hell Rock formation in the Cayman Islands. It's very volcanic in appearance, forming a small crater like shape.  There is some water around the rocks as well. Very odd in comparison to everything else.

Some signs by the Hell Rock formation which I found to be rather amusing.

Some people believe that Shari is the Devil, but unlike Clark Kent and Superman, we have photo evidence Shari and the Devil being at the same place at the same time. (No, it's not a popular lawyer hangout either, but rather next to the Hell Rock gift shop.)

Hundreds of Sea Turtles are raised in round pools like this at the Cayman Islands Turle Farm. I never did try any of the turtle meat. Perhaps next trip.

Some close ups of some of the smaller sea turtles.

Another sea turtle closeup.

And another sea turtle closeup. Some of these things are HUGE.

Some species of endangered sea turtles are also kept safely at the turtle farm.

The ship cancelled the StingRay City tours due to large waves due to local weather. Shari, Kayt and I ended up hoping on board with a local tour service. Here is one of the guides holding one of the MANY stingray so that people could touch it, hold it, reach a stingray backrub and feed it squid.

After an initial shock akin to being swamped by a large number of cats, rubbing against your legs looking for food, everyone calms down realizes that all is safe. Kayt eventually climbed down off our shoulders too and got into the swing of it. Here she is holding a stingray in here arms.

Here's a a pic of me holding a sting ray too. (And yes that is a snorkel in my mouth. The big baby afraid of going underwater actually snorkeled for the first time in his life.)

There is just no stopping Kayt, as she going back to hold the stingray (again, and again, and again.)  The trip out might have been rough and potentially dangerous, but it was an incredible experience and worth it.

To Chichen Itza

On day three, Shari and took the tour out to Chichen Itza. It's a couple of hours drive towards the center of the Yukatan Pennisula to a large set of ruins... possibly the largest Mayan City ever to be discovered.
On the way, we passed through local villages and the Mexican country side. The poverty was amazing, with the large majority of the rural homes being thatched huts.

Another shot out the bus window of a rural area.

We passed through a larger town whose named translated into "White Hawk" based on an old, white stone statue of a hawk head located on the edge of town. It should be noted that eagles and birds of that sort are not located on the easter part of Mexico, evidence of migration of cultures from the western parts of Mexico.

Another photo of local living.

An attempted shot of a large, open area restaraunt.
2 shots of a large stone church located on one side of the town's large park square.

Chichen Itza

After a long drive with a stop at a tourist trap and a place for lunch, we finally reach the ruins.  Here is a picture of Shari outside of the sports arena.

A shot from inside the sports arena. The tower pictured here is probably where the local rulers watched the game. Others would sit along the walls.

At either end of the arena are 2 viewing areas, one for the referee and one for the priests. The accoustics of the area are amazing. Someone standing in one of the end viewing areas could speak in a normal voice and someone in the opposite viewing area could here it clearly, with noone on the ground in between hearing  a thing.  The whole layout of the area was like that. Everything was also tied into the Mayan calender. A lot of numerology.

The lower parts of the arena had carvings on it. This carving shows the ritual decapitation of the losing team. It was believed that the games did not serve as form of entertainment, but rather a challenge between ruling councils. If you and your team wanted to be the rulers, you just head to beat the existing team of rulers.... of course if you lost, you were decapitated and parts of your body spread through the city.... that certainly could have made the Clinto/Bush election more interesting.

There will be more to come and a re-organization when I get time and pictures.
We've gotten more pictures back and I'll add them as I get a chance to scan them, probably starting with the great pyramid from Chichen Itza.